Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Almost Perfect Autumn Day

Sunrise at The Yellow Bucket House
November 8, 2009

What Do You Think of These Smileys?

Somebody in Montauk has taken offense from these yellow and black faces painted on the side of what was once an entirely canary yellow motel. That offended citizen contends that the three emoticon smiles all fall well below local aesthetic standards. People who see these smiles every day are taking sides. Some believe they make everyone in Montauk seem flat and bumpkinish. Others say live and let live, while another faction says, "It's a free country," and a few admit, "I like them." The matter is scheduled to come before a meeting of townspeople and The End hopes to cover the matter with all of the resources it demands.

1 comment:

  1. What was decided? Seems like a silly think to discuss at length?
